Who are we
A vibrant group of about 40 people from diverse professional and ethnic backgrounds, since 1972. We espouse Rotary’s motto of “Service Above Self” and live by Rotary’s 4-way Test.
Our focus is to serve humanity through our various projects in the local community, international, vocational, and youth programs. We build relationships with other community organizations, and charity groups.
Our projects are funded primarily by our Market at North Rocks which we manage every Sunday morning. Our voluntary work is done in the spirit of fellowship and fun.
Please join us Tuesday evenings, or on a Sunday morning at our Market.
Learn more..
Presidents message

Welcome to the Rotary Club of Carlingford

President’s Message

It is an absolute honour and privilege to be the President of this vibrant club, we come together from diverse professional and ethnic backgrounds. The thing we all have in common is that we want to give back to our community,

The Club is 52 years of age, and we serve to support our local community, we undertake vocational programs supporting the development and professional growth to people in our community.  We support youth and local schools in our community making sure that we can empower them to reach their goals. We are involved in international projects that make the lives of people in poverty-stricken countries a whole lot better.

Funding for all our projects predominantly comes from our Sunday markets at North Rocks, all money raised goes directly to the humanitarian work we do! 

We all serve on a voluntary basis; we enjoy each other’s company and we have a lot of fun along the way. 

We meet every Tuesday night at the Vikings Sports Club in Dundas Valley, come along and have a meal, meet great people, there is no pressure to join or do anything you don’t want to – come along and see if we are a group of people you would like to work along to help others.

We wholeheartedly embrace Rotary’s motto of “Service Above Self” and live by the Rotary 4-way Test. To be an effective Rotarian, we ask, Is it the Truth? Is it Fair to all concerned? Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships? Will it be Beneficial to all concerned? We emphasise integrity, fairness, goodwill, and positive outcomes.

We take action to unite people and to creating lasting change to people in our community and abroad.

I so look forward to working with this exception Club over the next year as President and see all the wonderful work started by others to continue.


Martha Jabour OAM


Rotary Club of Carlingford

Club Information
Welcome to our Club!
We meet In Person
Tuesdays at 6:30 pm
Vikings Club
35 Quarry Rd
Dundas, NSW 2117
Order dinner at the bistro from 6.15pm. Official meeting 7.00 to 8.00pm.
Our Projects
We send our hearty congratulations to the Rotary Club of Bali Bersinar who are celebrating their 3rd anniversary !  A relatively new club who are striving to create a big impact.  Rotary Carlingford are proud to be partnering with Rotary Bali Bersinar on a new phase of the Bali Rural Toilets project, with the support of a District Grant.  Carlingford Rotarian Nita Yunita is currently over in Indonesia, and is pictured in the photograph (front row, second from left).
Australia Day 2025 at John Wearn Reserve, Carlingford was a terrific success.  A collaboration between the Rotary Clubs of Beecroft and Carlingford, with the support of a National Australia Day Grant, was a lovely community occasion in support of the theme "Respect. Reflect. Celebrate".  Featuring a Smoking Ceremony and Welcome to Country provided by Bush to Bowl, followed by our official Australia Day speeches by Rotary District Governor Niranjan Deodhar, Julian Leeser MP (Berowra), Dr Andrew Charlton MP (Parramatta).  The National Anthem and "I Am Australian" sung by North Beats Music Academy student , Flag raising by North Rocks Scouts, and a closing speech by Daniel Dummer, President of the Rotary Club of Beecroft.  (Carlingford Club President Martha Jabour OAM was noted as an apology due to her attendance at the National Australia Day Ceremony in Canberra).  We were also pleased to have Deputy Mayor Cameron McLean, City of Parramatta, Clr Georgina Valjak and Clr Monica Tudehope in attendence. This year, a new feature was the wonderful Auslan interpretation by Yasmin, so that hearing impaired members of the community could also enjoy the program.  At the close of the formalities Dan Romeo provided further musical entertainment, whilst the North Rocks RFS fired up the BBQ, Cakes by Jess and Triple Oh Coffee were kept busy.  We also featured children's activities - face painting, giant bubbles, and indigenous animal painting to ensure the morning was of interest to all members of the community.  A big thankyou to MC Michael Stuart-Watt, student volunteer Megha Easwar, and members of the organising committee - Fay Kitto, Robert Erskine, Jaythene Zimmerman, Greg Keighran, Russell Zimmerman, Daniel Dummer, Cristy Newall, Barry Wang and Trudy Stevenson.  Volunteers who assisted with set-up and pack down on the day, and letterbox drops in the week prior are also greatly appreciated !
We are pleased to invite you to join us for an excellent night of entertainment for all to enjoy at the Pavilion Theatre, Castle Hill Showground, 10 Doran Drive, Castle Hill.
This play is on Wednesday 5th February 2024.  The Rotary Club of Carlingford looks forward to seeing you for a night of excellent theatre at the cost of $30 per person.  Cash payments will be collected on the night.
Thankyou thankyou thankyou !  Rotary Club of Carlingford wishes to thank the very generous donors of an amazing array of Christmas gifts and hampers at this year's Tree of Joy at Carlingford Court.  The gifts have been collected and delivered to our community distribution partners located in the Dundas and Telopea area.  We are certain that these gifts will put some smiles on faces of parents and children who need some help this year.  
Wow - how good was Carols by Twilight 2024 !  Despite the weather being slightly damp and cool (after a very hot day!), we managed to get through the entire program and what a fun evening it was.
Thankyou to our performers : Muirfield High School Band, Christ the King School Choir, Dan Romeo, Annette van Roden, Di Hammond, Valley Voices and Michael Stuart-Watt.
Thankyou to the North Rocks Fire Service and Santa ! Also to our VIPs Clr Georgina Valjak and Monica Tudehope MP for sharing their Christmas messages.
The North Rocks Scouts BBQ, Triple Oh Coffee and Cakes by Jess all seemed to do a roaring trade on the night which was terrific.
Thankyou to our Rotary volunteers for their organisation and work behind the scenes:  Fay Kitto (program coordinator and main organiser), Michael Stuart-Watt, Andrew Best (MC) , Barry Wang (Songbooks) , Sandra Payne, Therese and Amy Hanna (Glowstick sales), Sandra Payne, Russell Zimmerman, Robert Erskine (and Ian Erskine on the night), Cristy Newall (photos) and Trudy Stevenson (social media).  Thankyou also to Andy Bianci and Stephanie Bitar Boyagi for their assistance.  And most of all, thankyou to the community who came along to support the event !!
Thankyou to Santa Chas (ably assisted by the elfie-kelpie Tessa) and to all of the wonderful stallholders who came along and participated in the North Rocks Christmas Market this year !
Everyone had a great time and there were plenty of lovely Christmas gifts available, particularly with the fantastic Arts & Crafts stalls at the Christmas market.
Merry Christmas from Mike, Gary and the North Rocks Market volunteer team !
Members of the Rotary Club of Carlingford joined the Rotary Walk Against Domestic Violence held in conjunction with City of Parramatta on Wednesday 4th December.
Members from five Rotary clubs in and around Parramatta joined the walk and rally held in Parramatta Square.  There were a number of speakers, one of whom was Corinne Lindsell, Deputy Chair of the Homicide Victim Support Group (HVSG).  Corinne's powerful speech can be heard as the voiceover for the recording of the event below.
Thankyou to the Rotary Club of Environment and Habitat for orchestrating this event in Parramatta on behalf of Rotary. 
Rotary clubs across Australia have been active in their own localities to say NO to domestic and family violence and say YES to respectful relationships.  Learn more here.
Members of Rotary Carlingford are delighted to congratulate Club President Martha Jabour OAM, on her award of 2025 NSW Local Hero of the Year.  The Award was presented by the Premier of NSW Chris Minns on November 13th.  Martha has been recognised due to her outstanding work with the Homicide Victim Support Group, and was instrumental in HVSG achieving their vision of the development of Grace's Place - a world first trauma centre for children affected by homicide.  We wish Martha every success as she proceeds to the National Local Hero of the Year award, to be announced on Australia Day 2025.  For more details refer to the 2025 Australian of the Year Awards website.
2025 Australians of the Year Awards for NSW
Martha Jabour OAM (NSW Local Hero); Kath Koschel (NSW Australian of the Year), Dr Karl Kruszelnicki AM (NSW Senior Australian of the Year), Maddison O’Gradey (Young Australian of the Year).  Source: australianoftheyear.org.au
Kona Water Wells (Ghana) - great news! "The construction of the second phase of the Kona Water and Sanitation Project has started the construction of three wells.  My understanding is that there will be two or three more wells to be built later.  This is the result of the Carlingford Rotary club contribution and my personal donation {to a Rotary Foundation Global Grant}.  The chiefs, queens and the entire Kona Community will ever be grateful to Carlingford Rotary Club and Rotary International, as well as all the participating clubs of the project."  Thanks, James Addo (Rotarian).
Have you visited North Rocks Market recently ?  Open every Sunday 7am to 1pm.
In the grounds of Next Sense, 361-365 North Rocks Rd, North Rocks.
Entry by coin donation.  Parking available onsite.